

发布时间:2013-11-13|| 【关闭窗口】 【打印】


教育简历:1997-2000  南京大学物理系,凝聚态物理专业博士学位;

1994-1997  中国原子能科学研究院物理所,核物理专业硕士学位;

1990-1994  南京大学物理系,核物理专业学士学位。

研究经历:2003-至今  中国科学院上海技术物理研究所,博士后,副研究员,研究员,红外物理国家重点实验室纳米探针专项实验室负责人。






ACS Nano, Appl.Phys.Lett.等国际学术刊物发表论文31篇,其中第一或通讯作者11篇(平均I.F.>3.0),部分结果被顶级物理学刊物Rev.Mod.Phys.论文引用评述。申请发明专利7项,授权4项。作为负责人承担国家自然科学基金重大研究计划培育、集成项目,973子专题等。2013年入选中国科学院高级技术支撑人才“现有关键技术人才”计划。


1. “Single InAs Nanowire Room-Temperature Near-Infrared Photodetectors”

   Jinshui Miao, Weida Hu, Nan Guo, Zhenyu Lu, Xuming Zou, Lei Liao, Suixing Shi, Pingping Chen, Zhiyong Fan, Johnny C. Ho, Tian-Xin Li, Xiao Shuang Che, and Wei Lu

   ACS Nano, published online http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/nn500201g

2.Photoconductive study and carrier dynamics of vertically aligned GaAs nanowires

Hui Xia, Bi-Mu Yao, Zhen-Yu, Lu, Ping-Ping Chen, Tian-Xin Lia)  a. 通讯作者)

Progress in Natural Science: Materials International 23, 85(2013).

3. “Impact of growth parameters on the morphology and microstructure of epitaxial GaAs nanowires grown by molecular beam epitaxy”

   Z.Y.Lu, P.P.Chen,Z.M.Liao,S.X.Shi,Y.Sun,T.X.Li,Y.H.Zhang, J.Zou, W.Lu

   Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 580,82 (2013)

4. “Precisely aligned graphene grown on hexagonal boron nitride by catalyst free chemical vapor deposition”

Shujie Tang, Haomin Wang, Yu Zhang, Ang Li, Hong Xie, Xiaoyu Liu, Lianqing Liu, Tianxin Li, Fuqiang Huang, Xiaoming Xie & Mianheng Jiang

   Scientific Reports 3, 2666 (2013)

5. “Distinct Photocurrent Response of Individual GaAs Nanowires Induced by n-Type Doping”

   Hui Xia, Zhen-Yu Lu, Tian-Xin Li,a) Patrick Parkinson, Zhi-Ming Liao, Fu-Hao Liu, Wei Lu,a) Wei-Da Hu, Ping-Ping Chen, Hong-Yi Xu, Jin Zou and Chennupati Jagadish a. 通讯作者)

   ACS Nano, 6, 6005 (2012)

6. “Nonequilibrium carrier distribution in semiconductor photodetectors: Surface leakage channel under illumination”

Hao Yin, Tian-xin Li,a) Wei-da Hu, Wen-juan Wang, Ning Li, Xiao-shuang Chen, and Wei Lua) a. 通讯作者)

Appl. Phys. Lett., 96, 263508 (2010)

7. “Scanning capacitance microscopy investigation on InGaAs/InP avalanche photodiode structures: Light-induced polarity reversal”

Hao Yin, Tianxin Li,a) Wenjuan Wang, Weida Hu, Le Lin, and Wei Lua) a. 通讯作者)

Appl. Phys. Lett., 95, 093506 (2009)

8. “Optical properties and thermal stability of GaAsN alloy films”

T.X. Li, P.P. Chen, T. Mori, L.H. Bai, T. Yao, X.S. Chen and W. Lu

J. Lumin., 122, 182 (2007)

9.  “The effects of growth parameters on the RF-MBE growth of dilute InNSb films”

   Zhang, Y. H.; Chen, P. P.; Yin, H.; Li, T. X.; Lu, W

  . J. Phys. D-Appl. Phys., 43, 305405 (2010).

10. “Femtosecond laser-drilling-induced HgCdTe photodiodes”

Zha, FX; Li, MS; Shao, J; Yin, WT; Zhou, SM ; Lu, X; Guo, QT; Ye, ZH; Li, TX; Ma, HL; Zhang, B; Shen, XC

OPTICS LETTERS 35, 971 (2010).

11. “Improved dielectric and electrical behaviour of low-temperature deposited (Ba0.6Sr0.4) TiO3 films by thin SrTiO3 buffer layer ”

Y. H. Gao; J. H. Ma; T. X. Li; J. L. Sun; X. J. Meng; J. H. Chu

J. Phys. D-Appl. Phys., 8, 41 (2008).

12. “Effects of rapid thermal annealing on the properties of GaNxAs1-x ”

Z. L. Liu, P. P. Chen, C. Wang, T. X. Li, H. Y. Cui, Y. J. Li, X. S. Chen, and W. Lu

J. Appl. Phys. 101, 113514 (2007).


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